
You have completed the “Starting a Youth Mentoring Program” e-learning module. We hope you have learned helpful information about youth mentoring and what it takes to build a successful mentoring program.

Keep the momentum in the following ways:

If you have not done so already, download and read Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (4th edition). Add any notes or questions to your note-taking guide, and begin to prioritize your programmatic needs. Once you have applied these concepts to your work, if you feel you need more support, contact the National Mentoring Resource Center at: We may be able to offer additional, customized assistance to support your program in a specific area of need or in applying these resources to your work in a more intensive way.

Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (4th edition)

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  • MENTOR National and Affiliates will use the information you provide to better inform future publications and keep you up to date with advancements in the mentoring field. For more information, check out our privacy policy.