
You likely began this journey because you know young people (mentees) who could benefit from a mentoring relationship, and you have potential volunteers (mentors) interested in giving back to the community.

As your program grows, however, it may become challenging to recruit enough mentors to meet the need—and you may find that certain types of mentees are more appropriate for your program than others.


  • Materials


    Here are several recruitment samples. Select the (+) to view details about each.

  • Five Tips From the Pros
    1. Define who will best fit your program and focus your recruitment efforts on finding mentors and mentees who match your program goals
    2. Ensure your pitch, recruitment plan, and print materials are clear, informative, and speak to those who will be a good fit
    3. Make sure your recruitment strategy accurately portrays the benefits, practices, supports, and challenges associated with your mentoring program
    4. Keep track of which marketing strategies (word of mouth, social media posts, radio or TV campaigns, speaking engagements, etc.) attract the most viable leads and focus your time and resources accordingly
    5. Be prepared to devote a great deal of your time and resources to mentor recruitment
  • Checklist for Getting Started

    Checklist for Getting Started

    Recruitment planning checklist:

    • Determine the number of mentors you want to recruit and set a deadline for meeting your target
    • Choose your recruitment strategies and methods
    • Develop a recruitment timeline and assign staff members (or volunteers) to be responsible for each task
    • Write a mentor job description
    • Create a recruitment message and materials
    • Adopt a tracking system for recruitment efforts and inquiries
    • Create a presentation to give to community groups
    • Identify and approach organizations and businesses that can connect you to potential mentors
  • Next Steps
    • Learn more by reviewing “Standard 1: Recruitment” in Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (4th edition).
    • Use your note-taking guide to list topics or questions about recruitment to discuss with your technical assistance provider. Remember to save your note-taking guide changes after each chapter.

Relevant Documents

Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (4th edition)

Guide to Recruiting Black Men as Mentors for Black Boys


Learn more by reviewing the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (4th edition)

Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring


Continue onto the next chapter: Screening


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  • MENTOR National and Affiliates will use the information you provide to better inform future publications and keep you up to date with advancements in the mentoring field. For more information, check out our privacy policy.